Tag The War Within Expansion

John Barrymore April 09, 2024 5 minutes
Get an early review of the Slayer Hero Talents in World of Warcraft's The War Within expansion. The Slayer specialization for Arms and Fury Warriors focuses on high frequency Execute and Bladestorm procs, along with quality of life improvements like stunning and interrupting during Bladestorm. Find out how well Slayer fits into the single target rotation and its potential for high damage output.
John Barrymore November 06, 2023 3 minutes
Blizzard's Deep Dive WoW panel delves into the new Hero Talents system, providing an overview of how it works in The War Within Expansion. These evergreen self-contained talent trees bring iconic Warcraft archetypes to enhance class experiences, with each spec having 2 shared trees and the ability to freely swap talents and trees.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 1 minute
The blog post explores the major changes announced for the Great Vault in World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion, The War Within. The PvP reward row has been replaced with a World content row, providing players with more agency and reducing RNG in PvP gearing. Additionally, the post discusses how PvP players will receive additional conquest points.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 3 minutes
BlizzCon 2023 interview highlights the future of WoW in The War Within expansion, including narrative focus, zone design, Warbands, Dynamic Flight, and AI integration. Developers discuss player concerns about pay-to-win mechanics, expansion cadence, mount customization, faction system updates, and cultural exploration in the game.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 2 minutes
Blizzard's Deep Dive WoW panel dives into the new Hero Talents system, providing a glimpse into how it will enhance class experiences in The War Within Expansion. Hero Talents offer self-contained talent trees that embody iconic Warcraft archetypes, offering players more customization options within their chosen class.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
A group interview with developers at BlizzCon 2023 reveals insights into the upcoming expansion of World of Warcraft, The War Within. The interview covers various aspects such as narrative focus, zone design, dynamic flight, and AI integration. The developers also discuss player concerns, future customization options, and the expansion's timeline.
John Barrymore November 05, 2023 4 minutes
A group interview with developers at BlizzCon 2023 reveals insights into the upcoming expansion of World of Warcraft, The War Within. The interview covers various aspects such as narrative focus, zone design, dynamic flight, and AI integration. The developers also discuss player concerns, future customization options, and the expansion's timeline.